Two commercial water-source heat pumps have been added to the company’s product line — the Aston Compact and the Arbor Base — and upgrades have been made to the Arbor Series. The Aston Compact offers efficiencies of 3.7-4.8 COP and 18-30 EER. Available in capacities from 0.75 to 6 tons, the unit features the Aurora generation of communicating controls and a variety of options, including a factory-installed 24-V motorized on-off water valve option for variable-frequency drive (VFD) pumping with automatic internal water flow control and hot gas bypass. The Arbor Base has a compact design, high-efficiency operation (3.3-3.5 COP and 15.6-17 EER) in a 0.5- to 6-ton unit.
Source: ACHR News (a part of news report) 海洛斯精密空调ㄍ海洛斯机房空调厂家