Flexible (灵活):
- Adjustable fan speed (调速风机)
- Air modes (up blowing, down blowing, side blowing, back blowing, and front blowing) (送风方式多样(上送,下送,侧送,后送,前送))
- Modular (assemble convenient) (模块化(组合方便))
- Multiple type modules (多型式模块)
- Optional EC fan, sunk EC fan design, saving energy by 20% compared with ordinary EC fan (可选EC风机,沉没式设计,与普通EC风机相比节能20%
Efficient (高效):
- Copeland scroll compressor with high energy efficiency ratio (Copeland涡旋式压缩机,高能效比)
- EC fan, 20% savings more than the regular fan (EC风机,比普通风机节能20%)
- V type evaporator, in the limited space to increase the heat transfer area (V型蒸发器,在有限的空间内增大换热面积)
- Intelligent control panel (EN/CH font), LCD interface, simple, convenient, easy to maintain and settings (中英文智能控制面板,LCD操作界面,简洁,方便,易于维护和设置)
- Standard RS485 and IP communication interface (标准的RS485和IP通信接口)
- Powerful teamwork control and communication functions (强大团队控制和通信功能)
Maintenance easily (易维护):
- Easy disassembly (易拆卸)
- Less consumption (少消耗)
- Optimized structure (最优化的结构)
- New engineer maintenance window (最新工程师维护窗口)
- Maintenance window (opening while equipment is operating) (维护窗口(设备运行中开放))
- Routine maintenance and troubleshooting (便于平常维护及判断故障)
Reliable (可靠性):
- Quality components with strict certification (过严格认证的高品质部件)
- Advanced controller automatically balanced operation (先进的控制器自动平衡部件的运行和磨损)
- Control system with expert diagnosis and fault alarm function (具有专家自诊断和故障预警功能的控制系统)
- Skeleton frame riveted steel rivets, stable, sturdy, and easy separation (碳钢铆钉铆接的骨架机身,既稳定坚固又容易拆分)
- Inner and outer panels, built-in fire insulation materials (内外双层面板,内置防火隔热材料)
- Compressor of high and low pressure, exhaust temperature, air volume loss, and fan overload multiple protective measures (压缩机高低压,排气高温,风量丢失,风机过载等多重保护措施)
- High reliability, flexibility, low cost in entire life cycle (高可靠性,灵活性,整个寿命周期费用低)