The HydroBank MS, designed specifically for developer, new construction, and replacement markets where compact design and a low first cost are primary considerations, is characterized by its small cabinet size. Flush-mounted water fittings eliminate the need for a backup wrench to tighten hose connections. Factory-installed duct collars simplify duct connections. Easy access to the electrical enclosure speeds hookup of power and controls, and the horizontal unit discharge can be easily field-converted to match the configuration requirements of the unit being replaced. With Water Loop (WHLP) EERs up to 14.9 with ECMs, HydroBank MS units surpass ASHRAE 90.1 requirements and are eligible for most utility rebates and tax incentive programs.
Source: ACHR News (a part of news report) 海洛斯精密空调ㄍ海洛斯机房空调厂家