Bryant:Evolution至尊280ANV热泵 (020415)
发布时间:2015/01/01 阅读:0

When heat pump is paired with an Evolution control, the control can display system history for faster diagnosis of the complete system. With homeowner permission, a service technician can attach a second control to outdoor unit for service without entering the home and access the system remotely with a remote access module (sold separately) to prepare for service call in advance if connected to a Wi-Fi network. The AeroQuiet system includes sound-deadening features in the cabinet, fan system, and top for better airflow, lower noise, and better efficiency. These features include quiet motor mounts, a compressor sound blanket, forward-swept fan blades, a sound elimination compressor mounting plate, and an integrated silencer airflow baffle top.


Source: ACHR News (a part of news report)


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