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Environmental control: Villa wine cellar, private wine cellar, commercial wine cellar, club wine storage room, large cellar, ground cellar, shopping malls cellar, large wine library, the cellar, displaying wine cellar, Euclidean cellar, French style wine cellar, Italian style wine cellar, domestic wine cellar, CHCT cellar, and etc.


Flexible (灵活):

1) Adjustable fan speed (调速风机)

2) Air modes (up blowing, down blowing, side blowing, back blowing, and front blowing) (送风方式多样(上送,下送,侧送,后送,前送))

3) Modular (assemble convenient) (模块化(组合方便))

4) Multiple type modules (多型式模块)

5) Optional EC fan, sunk EC fan design, saving energy by 20% compared with ordinary EC fan (自可选的EC风机,沉没式EC风机设计,与普通EC风机相比节能20%)

Efficient (高效):

1) Copeland scroll compressor with high energy efficiency ratio (Copeland涡旋式压缩机,高能效比)

2) EC fan, 20% savings more than the regular fan (EC风机,比普通风机节能20%)

3) V type evaporator, in the limited space to increase the heat transfer area (V型蒸发器,在有限的空间内增大换热面积)

4) Intelligent control panel (EN/CH font), LCD interface, simple, convenient, easy to maintain and settings (中英文智能控制面板,LCD操作界面,简洁,方便,易于维护和设置)

5) Standard RS485 and IP communication interface (标准的RS485IP通信接口)

6) Powerful teamwork control and communication functions (强大团队控制和通信功能)

Maintenance easily (易维护):

1) Easy disassembly (易拆卸)

2) Less consumption (少消耗)

3) Optimized structure (最优化的结构)

4) New engineer maintenance window (最新工程师维护窗口)

5) Maintenance window (opening while equipment is operating) (维护窗口(设备运行中开放))       

6) Routine maintenance and troubleshooting (便于平常维护及判断故障)

Reliable (可靠性):

1) Quality components with strict certification (过严格认证的高品质部件)

2) Advanced controller automatically balanced operation (先进的控制器自动平衡部件的运行和磨损)

3) Control system with expert diagnosis and fault alarm function (具有专家自诊断和故障预警功能的控制系统)

4) Skeleton frame riveted steel rivets, stable, sturdy, and easy separation (碳钢铆钉铆接的骨架机身,既稳定坚固又容易拆分)

5) Inner and outer panels, built-in fire insulation materials (内外双层面板,内置防火隔热材料)

6) Compressor of high and low pressure, exhaust temperature, air volume loss, and fan overload multiple protective measures (压缩机高低压,排气高温,风量丢失,风机过载等多重保护措施)

7) High reliability, flexibility, low cost in entire life cycle (高可靠性,灵活性,整个寿命周期费用低)

Energy-saving data & performance of unit (节能数据和机组性能:

This is a case for the energy-saving water-cooling air-conditioning unit versus regular water-cooling air-conditioning unit with the same 5 HP machine and the same power consumption showing in figure 1. The unit of the coefficient of performance (C.O.P) has larger value than the regular unit. In figure 2, the annual savings for energy-saving unit is better than the regular unit.

1显示5HP 水冷单元式空调机为例:在输入功率相同的情况下节能水冷单元式空调机的冷冻系数(冷冻系数)比普通水冷单元式空调机的值大。在图2显示节能型机组年的节能效益比传统未节能机组更好。





The wine cooling unit was tested in hot and dry ambient conditions. Despite the heat and low humidity, the unit had no problem maintaining wine storage temperatures averaging 14°C and relative humidity at 57% inside the wine cellar. (See figure 3)


Test Conditions (测试条件):

1.    The wine cabinet was located in an enclosed, climate-controlled test room.

2.  The cooling unit was set to maintain 14°C (13°C "off" and 2°C Temperature Differential). The short spikes reflect the cooling unit's auto-defrost cycle.

3.    The temperature measurement was taken at the bottom of the wine cabinet.

1.  酒柜坐落在一个封闭气候控制的试验室。

2.  冷却机组被设置为保持14°C13°C“关闭2°C的温度差)。短暂剧烈跳动反映冷却机组自动除霜周期。

3.  温度测量是在葡萄酒柜底部。

